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Match the following definitions with the words

1. suit a) A room occupied by one person
2. family room b) A room with one large bed for one person
3. twin room c) A room with two single beds for two people
4. single room d) A room with three single beds, or a double beds and a single bed, suitable for occupation by three people
5. penthouse e) A set for two or more rooms including a bedroom and a sitting room
6. connecting adjoining room f) A large room with a partition to separate the area from the sitting room area
7. double room g) A well furnished and luxurious suite at the top of the building
8. triple room h) A room with two or more beds, particularly suitable for a family with children
9. junior suite i) A room not used as a bedroom, where guests may read, watch television, etc.
10. Lounge or sitting room (Am.E. – parlor) j) Two or more rooms with a door to allow access from one room to another


1. I have got… (a reservation, a manager, a hotel).

2. Let the hotel … know well in advance the day and time of your departure. (room, key, manager).

3. The clerk says he can give me.… on the third floor .(a confirmation, a porter, a room)

4. I ask the hotel … to carry my luggage to the room. (form, register, porter).

5. When travelling people almost always stay at the … (laundry, luggage, hotel).

Дата публикования: 2015-09-18; Прочитано: 1097 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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