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In the United States public transportation is not as developed as in Ukraine, for people prefer to use private cars. The most common forms of public transportation are taxi, subway and bus.

Taxis can be found around major cities at taxi stands, or you may hail them on the street by raising an arm above the head. You can also order a taxi by calling on the phone. The yellow pages of the phone book list “taxis”. Passengers always sit at the backseat of the cab and the fare is paid at the end of the trip.

Taxi fare is determined by meter placed next to the driver, on the dashboard of the taxi. Usually the fare depends on the distance. You should expect to pay from 5 to 10 dollars at least. A tip of 15% of the fare should be given to the driver when the fare is paid.

Subways in America are very diverse. The major cities which have subway systems include New York, Washington D.C., Chicago and San Francisco. Payment for the in each of these cities varies. For example, the New York subway accepts coins and the fee is the same for everyone regardless of distance – one dollar. However in Washington D.C. you must obtain what is called a “fare card”. The “fare card” is inserted at the gate upon entering and exiting the subway. The price of the trip depends on the distance travelled and the time of the day. It varies from 50 cents to 2 dollars. Rush hours are the most expensive time to travel by subway.

You can find a bus at the bus stop. If you want to use the bus regularly you should buy a map of the bus routes. Of course you may also ask a policeman what bus to use.

American bus fare is between 50 cents and one dollar. You must pay the exact amount as bus drivers do not carry change. The fare is deposited in the metal box located next to the driver when the passenger enter the bus. All passengers must enter through the entrance closest to the front of the bus so the driver can watch them pay the fare.

A few seconds before the bus arrives at your desired stop, you must pull the wire located at the side of the bus above the head. This wire rings a bell which signals the driver to stop at the next bus stop. Unlike Ukrainian buses, American buses do not automatically stop (they do so only if signalled, or if someone is waiting to board).


To an American, a car is not a luxury, it is a necessity. Virtually every American family has a car and usually a second car. It is not uncommon to have one car for each member of the family who’s older than 16, the legal driving age.

You may buy cars either new or used. A new car will cost from 6,000 dollars for an inexpensive Hyundai to 40,000 dollars for a nice sport car like a Porsche. The price of a used car depends on the make, the age, and the condition of the car, but you will probably pay at least 1,000 dollars for a car that still works.

The rules for driving differ significantly from the European (International) code. For example, when approaching an American intersection in a car you can assume you have the right of way unless you see one of the following: a stop-light which is red or yellow, a stop-sign (a red sign), or a yellow sign. Also you should drive at all times within the lanes marked on the road.

The speed limit on an open highway will vary from 55-70 miles per hour and in the city from 25-45 m.p.h. Certain toll roads require a toll in order to enter them. This toll range from 50 cents to a dollar and is paid as you enter the toll road.

Gas stations are very frequent on American roads. The method of buying gas depends on the particular service station. Most commonly, as most stations in America are self-serve you park your car next to the pump, fill your tank yourself and then go inside to pay. The price of gas is around $1 per gallon.

If a police officer wishes to stop you, he will drive behind you, and flash his lights or turn on his siren. When you pull over to the side of the road, he will park behind you. You should remain in your car and roll down your window when he approaches your car. He will explain what you did wrong, and ask for your driver’s licence and car registration.

If you are driving a car and need to park it on the street, be sure to check for a parking meter next to your parking place. A fee of around 50 cents per hour needs to be deposited in these meter or you will receive a ticket.

Дата публикования: 2015-09-18; Прочитано: 487 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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