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Access to the TV Channels

As a result of technological progress, more people in the world already have (1)________to many TV channels (2)_______ in the past. There are now three (3)_________in which TV programmes can (4)___________your home, compared with the one way which existed until a few years ago. Firstly, most of the TV channels in the world (5)_________in the traditional way: national public or (6)__________TV stations use transmitters to send UHF (ultra-high frequency) signals round the country. The (7)________on our (8) ________receive these signals and pass them to our TV sets. Secondly, some (9)__________TV channels use satellites in (10) ________. Programmes are transmitted up to the satellite, which then re-transmits them to a wide geographical (11)_________. You have to pay for a signal-decoder and watch TV programmes transmitted (12) ___________the other side of the (13)___________. Thirdly, in many countries, there is a system which transmits programmes from studios or from satellites through a (14)________system. The (15)___________is that there is much less interference, and, if you want to, you can pay to receive many channels.

1. A entrance B contact C access
2. A than B like C as
3. A ways B steps C approaches
4. A keep B reach C get
5. A act B operate C work
6. A commercial B financial C efficient
7. A aerosol B aegis C aerials
8. A roof B window C ceiling
9. A world B international C globe
10. A air B atmosphere C space
11. A zone B level C area
12. A on B at C in
13. A region B hemisphere C country
14. A cable B wireless C electric
15. A benefit B profit C advantage
1.I’d like to reserve a single room with a bathroom for … nights. 1. Я хотів би замовити одномісний номер з ванною на…днів.
2. I booked a room in your hotel. 2. Я замовив номер у вашому готелі.
3. I have a reservation. 3. Для мене заброньовано номер.
4. May I speak to the manager? I need a room for one person (two persons) with a telephone (shower, air-conditioner). 4. Чи можу я поговорити з управляючим? Мені потрібен одномісний (двохмісний номер з телефоном (душем, кондиціонером)
5. What is the price per night? 5. Скільки коштує номер за добу?
6. Do you have a vacant room? 6. У вас є вільні місця?
7. I need a cheaper (better) room. 7. Мені потрібен дешевий (кращий) номер.
8. Is the service charge include? 8. Послуги включені в оплату?
9. Does the price of the room include breakfast? 9. Чи входить у вартість номера сніданок?
10. Where can I park my car? 10. Де я можу поставити машину?
11. I shall stay in the hotel for three days. 11. Я пробуду в готелі три дні.
12. Please, have my luggage taken up to my room. 12. Віднесіть багаж в мій номер.
13. I would like to put my luggage in the storage room. 13. Я хотів би здати багаж на зберігання.  
14. I want to order dinner in my room. 14. Я хочу замовити обід в номер.
15. Where can I book a room at a reasonable price? 15. Де я можу зняти не дуже дорогу кімнату?  
16. Will you help me to fill in this form? 16. Допоможіть заповнити бланк.
17.. Should I pay the bill in advance (per night, on departure) 17. Чи потрібно мені платити наперед (за добу, під час від”їзду.)
18. I’d like to extend my stay. 18. Я б хотів продовжити перебування.
19. I would like to change the room. 19. Я б хотів поміняти кімнату.
20. I have lost my key. 20. Я загубив ключ.
21. If anybody asks me, I am in my room. 21. Якщо мене будуть питати, я в своїй кімнаті.
22.. Is there any message for me? 22. Для мене є повідомлення?
23. I am leaving tomorrow. I want to pay the bill. 23.. Я завтра від’їжджаю. Хочу заплатити рахунок.


My car reaches the hotel where I want to stay.

I get out and go to the hotel office. Here I ask if they can give me an accommodation.

“ Certainly”, answers the clerk, ”we have got several rooms”.

“Would you like a suite or a single room?” he continues. I say that I would like a bed-room with a bathroom attached. The clerk says he can give me such a room on the third floor. I ask about the price of the room.

He informs me of the price and soon everything is settled.

I hand in my passport, fill in an arrival form and get the key to my room. He does as requested.

I look at my room. I like it very much. It is very comfortable. I can have a fine rest here. I ring for the chambermaid and inquire about the meals at the hotel restaurant.

Next I obtain information about the hairdresser’s, about where I can have my boots cleaned, about where I can have my linen washed (if there is a laundry service at the hotel), etc.

She answers all my questions.

There is a lot of time before dinner and so I settle down quietly to rest.

Дата публикования: 2015-09-18; Прочитано: 402 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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