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To many people staying at a hotel seems very …, and they prefer other kinds of …. guesthouses are smaller and cheaper than …. inns are pubs with accommodation and …. “B&B” is private house which takes …. staying with a family is a good … to know British people. Families have … …, if they like meeting people from foreign countries. You are free to organise everything when and how you want it if you choose …. In a … rooms and facilities are usually shared. Many of the Youth Hostels are located in lovely ….


- Everybody can afford staying at a hotel.

- Guesthouses are cheaper than hotels.

- “B&B” is smaller then a guesthouse.

- Staying with a family is a good idea for people who would like to know British people.

- Staying with a family is organised by your school, if you come to Britain for language or other courses.

- If you choose self-catering you can stay in all kinds off accommodation.

- In a Youth Hostel you help with the housework and prepare your own meals.

- The Young Men’s and Women’s Christian Associations help young people: they provide cheap accommodation and organise sightseeing, English lessons, special interest holidays.

- Nobody stays at universities and colleges.

Дата публикования: 2015-09-18; Прочитано: 854 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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