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II. (2) The guests are mentioning problems with their rooms. Match the replies to the requests from the list below

  Can you send someone up, please? The bulb in my bedside is broken. A Oh, I’m sorry. I didn’t notice that. I’ll empty it for you.
  Can you send a chambermaid to room 303? The bed-sheets haven’t been changed. B Really? I’m very sorry about that. Some of our staff are still going through training, you see. I’ll make sure she comes back and clean it right away.
  Hello. I’m in room 217. Does nobody look after the plants here? The plant in my room is almost dead. C Sorry about that sir. I’ll ask the floor maid to vacuum it at once.
  I’m not satisfied with this room. The carpet is very heavy. D Certainly, sir. The Housekeeper will be up to replace it right away.
  You haven’t finished this room yet, have you? The ashtray needs emptying. E I’m very sorry, madam. The chambermaid should have changed them. I’ll tell the housekeeper to come up and change them now.
  I’ve just unpacked and there’s a small problem in my room. There are no coat hangers in the wardrobe. F Thank you for mentioning it, madam. The Housekeeper is usually very careful about watering them, but she’s been on holiday this week. I’ll send someone up to water it now.
  I’m afraid the chambermaid hasn’t done a very thorough job in my room. The bath hasn’t been cleaned. G Oh, dear. I don’t know how that happened. Somebody must have taken them. I’ll bring some up to your room right away.

Very often dissatisfied customers write letters of complaint, describing the difficulties they had during their stay or the unpleasant experience of being a guest at the hotel which did not live up to their expectations.

Дата публикования: 2015-09-18; Прочитано: 442 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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