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Mark the correct variation to complete the sentence. 1. We will refer to this as the manager

1. We will refer to this ………as the manager.

a).manb).womanc).persond). g irl

2. A hotel manager is a business ……… and he must have a knowledge of accounting.

a). executive b). person c). man d). woman

3. The first specialized hotel schools were located in ……….

a). the USA b). Germany c). England d). Switzerland

4. The personal influence of the ……. varies from hotel to hotel.

a). manager b). owner c). employer d). receptionist

5. The manager is the host who offers the ……... of this establishment to his guests.

a). prices b). services c). money d). hospitality

6. The reference given by ………… must be carefully checked.

a). job applicants b). managers c). hosts d). guests

7. The assistant managers frequently have a desk in the ……… near the reception area.

a). restaurant b). office c). lobby d). hall

8. They refer more serious ……… to the manager or the appropriate department head.

a). answers b). tasks c). questions d). problems

9. They must return a profit to the ……...

a). managers b). owners c). guests d). executives

10. The greater satisfaction the ……… receive, the greater the prospects that the establishment will be financially successful.

a). hosts b). guests c). managers d). hoteliers

4. Match the following definitions with the words given in the box:

  owner A activities done in order to increase the sales of a product or service.
  manager B to reserve more rooms in a hotel than there are rooms available
  promotion C the place inside the entrance of a hotel where guests go first when they arrive
  employee D a person who is in charge of running business
  reception E the good feeling that you have when you are happy with smth that you have done, that you have bought, that has happened
  tax F a person or an organization that owns smth.
  overbook G money that you have to pay to the government so that it can pay for public service
  satisfaction H a person who is paid to work for smb.

Дата публикования: 2015-09-18; Прочитано: 527 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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