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Continue the sentences, using the text

The benefits begin here even before the location is selected because the chains have access…………..

The travelling public has an excellent idea of what kind of ………….

The benefits begin here even before the location is selected because …………..

The space allotted to service and storage areas,……….

The chains can either use their expert knowledge directly to build their own hotels or …………

In the interior of furniture, fabrics, and equipment …………

Chain management also increases the efficiency …………

It permits very large bulk purchases for some kinds of ………….

Put the words in the correct order

1. several/ hotel/ competitive/ The/ have/ chains/ advantages

2. uniformity/ This/ very/ of/ visible/ in/ results/ a/ degree

3. in/ work/ convention/ the/ salespeople/ Some/ corporate/ headquarters

4. often/ them/ chains/ Many/ advise/ to/ consultants/ hire

5. personnel/ an/ securing/ centralized/ competent/ A/ provides/ office/ advantage/ in/ people

Give Ukrainian equivalents

1. advantage for the chains, 2. architects and interior decorators, 3. rapid construction of new hotels, 4. tightly controlled by a central office, 5. to give valuable advice and support to the colleagues, 6. controlling reservations, 7. combine business and pleasure, 8. sharply cut maintenance costs, 9. Chain management, 10. large bulk purchases for some kinds of equipment

Дата публикования: 2015-09-18; Прочитано: 507 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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