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Mark the correct variation to complete the sentence. 1. The fast development of resulted in a corresponding boom in hotel construction

1. The fast development of ……… resulted in a corresponding boom in hotel construction.

a). industry b). public relations c). countries d). means of transportation

2. One of the most important advantages is having the resources to spend more ……. on advertising.

a). time b). money c). attention d). care

3. The most important and most obvious ……….. is the increased efficiency in making and controlling reservations.

a). disadvantage b). advantage c). use d). acceleration

4. The chains publish detailed manuals that specify procedures to be followed even in such tasks as ………….. and setting tables.

a). making beds b). spend money c). making an appointment d). bulk purchases

5. The travelling ……….. has an excellent idea of what kind accommodations and service to expect.

a). pupils b). birds c). buses d). public

6. Another of the …….. of the chain system consists in the superior planning and design of hotels.

a). weakness b). strengths c). profitability d). expert knowledge

7. The chains can either use their ……….. directly to build their own hotels

a). expert knowledge b). chain management c). accounting system d). sales potential

8. In the interior of furniture, fabrics, and equipment that have been tested can sharply cut………..

a). means of transportation b). operating procedures c). maintenance costs d). competitive advantages

9. Chain management also increases the efficiency of the total ……….. in many ways.

a). love b). influence c). profitability d). organization

10. The accounting and ……….. systems of the chains are centralized.

a). auditing b). promoting c). corresponding d). transportation

4. Match the following definitions with the words given in the box:

1. suite a). a room occupied by one person
2. family room b). a room with one large bed for two people.
3. twin room c). a room with two single beds for two people
4. single room d). a room with three single beds, or a double beds and a single bed, suitable for occupation by three people
5. double room e). a well-furnished and luxurious suite at the top of the building
6. triple room f). set of two or more rooms including a bedroom and a sitting room
7. lounge or sitting room (Am.E. – parlor) g). a room with four or more beds, particularly suitable for a family with children
8. penthouse h). a room not used as a bedroom, where guests may read, watch television, etc.

Дата публикования: 2015-09-18; Прочитано: 780 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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