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R Your bill, sir.
G Thank you. Can I pay in Euros?
R Yes, sir. That’ll be OK, we take all foreign currency.
G Oh, I think the bill is wrong. We didn’t have laundry service.
R One moment, sir, I’m sorry, this is not your bill. I confused you with another room. I’ll get you the right bill. I’m sorry about that.


R Reception.
G This is Room 112. Our room isn't ready for us. There are no towels, soap and toilet paper in the bathroom.
R Oh, I'm sorry, madam. These things should have been ready for you. I'll contact the Housekeeping straight away.
G Oh, and the noise in 113, next door to me, is awful. Can you do something about it?
R Of course, madam. I'll speak to the people there immediately.


R Good morning, Mrs Dupont. Is everything all right?
G No, it’s not. Someone’s stolen some of my valuables – two rings and a golden watch.
R I'm very sorry to hear that, madam. Where were they?
G In my room. And the door was locked. It can be only one of your staff. I want my things back. And fast.
R Well, I can certainly understand that you're upset about losing them and we'll do all we can to help. If they really are missing, it's a matter for the police.
G What do you mean, "if they are missing"? I told you they were.
R Yes, madam, but first I'll have one of the Housekeeping staff look through your room in case they're still there. But I must say we are not responsible for your valuables. You should have deposited the valuables with the Reception. It says so on the Key Card.
G That's not good enough. I want to see the manager. Immediately.
R I'll be glad to call the manager for you, madam, but he'll certainly say the same. We have very clear instructions about valuables and we must follow them.


Дата публикования: 2015-09-18; Прочитано: 754 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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