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ON is used

· to indicate the topic of an academic work

She made a presentation on Hieroglyphics.

His paper on the habitat of the flying squirrel was published in a journal.

· to show that something is included on a list

His name was included on the list of winners.

There were several items on the agenda.

· with public transportation and telephone communication

On the bus/plane/boat/train/streetcar

We spoke on the phone.

· go on a trip/journey/holiday/picnic

Exercise 19. Fill the prepositions in.

1. The audience threw tomatoes ______ the horrible comedian.

2. He spoke ________me ________ a loud voice.

3. She is good/successful/skillful _________ chess.

4. Her skill ________ chess impressed me.

5. _________ this painting we can see Lawrence’s use of light.

6. She cried ________ the sight of the starving child.

7. She was glancing impatiently ________ her watch.

8. I laughed _______ her ability to talk _______ circles.



· Agent.............................................. In this factory bicycles are made by robots.

· How/through the means of............ by plane/bus/train


· Length of time................................ for two weeks

· Purpose........................................... I came here for my studies.

.................................................... This is the best medication for a cold.

· Recipient......................................... I brought a present for my friend.


· Belonging to.................................... the mother of the child

· Being part of................................... the lid of the saucepan

· Coming from a background.......... of Italian descent

· Showing........................................... a map of India

· Concerning..................................... talk/dream/think of doing something


· Accompanying................................ She brought her children with her.

· Having............................................. He wore a shirt with a button-down collar

· By means of/usin g.......................... He tied it up with a piece of cloth.

Дата публикования: 2015-09-17; Прочитано: 767 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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