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Exercise 18. Fill the prepositions in

1. He is studying _____ the University of Toronto.

2. The plane flew _____ the town.

3. The boy hid the money _______ a rock in the garden.

4. I met Bill _____ the Pearson Airport ______ Toronto.

5. They are flying ______ Paris ______ Toronto, and they will arrive _____ Toronto tomorrow.

6. After Toronto, they will have a holiday _____ the south, so they will leave ______ Mexico next week.

7. She put the bedspread ______the bed.

8. I put the book _____ the box _____ the table ______ the living room.

9. He took an envelope ______ the drawer ______ his desk.

Other uses of AT, IN,ON

AT is used for:

· specific temperatures, speeds, ages

The temperature was at 25 degrees.

He drove at 120 kilometres per hour.

· intended goal/target

He stared/looked/glanced at her.

He threw a plate at her.

· be good/bad at something

IN is used for

· works of art, printed material, publications

In his essay he discusses public transportation.

In the photograph/painting/picture there were three little girls.

· to show what someone is wearing

The woman in the red dress is my cousin

· to show how things are arranged or expressed

She planted the lilies in a circle.

In a dictionary words are arranged in the alphabetical order.

We spoke to them in Finnish.

He turned to me in anger.

· with small private vehicles

In a taxi/car/jeep

· have skill in something

I have no skill in languages

Дата публикования: 2015-09-17; Прочитано: 1103 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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