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Exercise 9. Put the verbs in brackets into Present or Past Continuous Active or Passive

1. There are no doors. They ______________________________(paint).

2. The house ____________________________ (redecorate) when I arrived.

3. The workers __________________________________(make) our street one-way.

4. This type of computers now _________________________________(manufacture) in many European countries.

5. He _____________________(drive) at over 100 kilometres when the accident happened.

6. When I left the laboratory, the lab assistant still _____________________(test) the device.

7. We couldn’t ride that way because the road ___________________________(widen).

8. The countries _____________________(compete) with each other to build the tallest building.

9. Ann can’t use her office at the moment. It ____________________________(redecorate).

10. The photocopier broke down yesterday, but now it’s OK. It ________________________(work) again.

Exercise 10. Choose Present Perfect or Past Simple Active or Passive.

1. When it became clear that he would be moving to Austria, he _____________(sell) the house to his brother.

2. All the copies of the book already _______________________(sell out).

3. __________the car _______________(sell) for $2000 some days ago?

4. The tickets cost too much and ____________________(sell) badly.

5. Do you know if your neighbours _________________________(sell) their car?

6. According to yesterday’s newspapers, astronomers in Australia ______________(discover) a planet in a galaxy close to ours.

7. A new planet ________________________ (discover) but I don’t remember its name.

8. Radium ______________________ (discover) by Pierre and Marie Curie.

9. His father _________________ (receive) so many complains about the noise that he told Chris to sell his drums.

11. Over 50 letters of support _____________________ (receive) in the last 10 days.

12. His project ____________________ (receive) a lot of attention lately.

Дата публикования: 2015-09-17; Прочитано: 2512 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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