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Exercise 17. Fill the proper prepositions in

1. I’ll meet you _____ the Statler Hotel.

2. If you want to reach that shelf, you have to stand _____ a chair.

3. You will find some stamps ______ the drawer of the desk.

4. We live _____ Toronto, ____________ 157 Bloor Street.

5. The most important stories of the day are ______ the front page of the newspaper.

6. Please, play ______ the house; it is too cold outside.

7. The tax office is _____ the second floor.

8. We will wait for you ______ the lobby of the hotel.

9. Turn left _____ the intersection of Bloor and Bedford.

10. He was standing _____ the street corner.


above and over = higher than

The snow was so high it came over/above our knees.

We saw a flag flying over/above the house.

There are dark clouds over the entire city.

Below and under = lower than

You’ll find the box in the cupboard under/below the sink.

She was wearing a shirt under her sweater.

The whole basement was under /water.


· (moving) away

· origin

· what substance is used to make something

· difference

He moved from Toronto to Hamilton.

He was absent from class.

She is from Taiwan.

Bread is made from flower, water, and yeast.

Chinese food is very different from Canadian food.

Note: LEAVE, ENTER, ATTEND, DISCUSS are verbs which do NOT take a preposition.

I left Japan last August.

He entered the room.

She has been attending college for two years.

We discussed the problem.


She left Japan for Toronto in August. (‘ for ’ is used with ‘ leave ’ for destination)

Дата публикования: 2015-09-17; Прочитано: 1011 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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