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Exercise 16. Fill the prepositions in

1. They are getting married ___ Friday ______ 6 o’clock ____ the evening.

2. _____ midnight they heard the shrill sound of the sirens.

3. We seldom travel ______ winter.

4. Let’s stay here ________ the storm is over.

5. ________ tomorrow evening I will have finished my essay.

6. He hasn’t felt well ______ a long time.

7. They never go out ______ night.

8. We’ll be ready to leave ______ an hour.

9. _______ the storm, all the lights went out.

10. I will wait for you ________ tomorrow morning.


AT used to show a location or destination at a POINT:

· public places

· work places and stores

· events

I’ll meet you at the lobby.

He’ll wait for me at the bank.

I’ll meet you at the church.

We arrived at the theatre on time.

I met her at the Christmas party.

Bill is at the dentist.

You can buy this at any super market

IN used to show location or destination in an AREA:

· cities, towns

· larger areas

· places that can be divided into smaller units

· containers

Their cottage is in Kingston County.

The children were playing in the yard.

They arrived in Canada/Toronto/North America on Monday.

There is a fireplace in the living room.

Their wedding was held in an old church.

Is there any beer in the fridge?

The keys are in my bag/pocket.

ON used for location on a SURFACE:

· roads, streets

· things that resemble a line (e.g. rivers)

There is a book on the table.

There is a new roof on the house.

He put his head on my shoulder.

He had a stain on his shirt.

They live on the Humber River.

Дата публикования: 2015-09-17; Прочитано: 918 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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