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Упражнения. I. Образуйте все возможные формы причастий от следующих глаголов

I. Образуйте все возможные формы причастий от следующих глаголов.

to develop, to use, to discuss, to increase, to heat, to reduce, to complete, to fill, to invent, to solve, to translate, to give.


Verb Present Part. Active Perfect Part. Active Present Part. Passive Past Participle/ Perfect Part. Passive
to build строить building строя having built построив being built возводимый (having been)built построенный/когда построили

II. Переведите предложения, в которых причастие выполняет функцию определения. Обратите внимание на способы перевода причастий.

Participle I

1. A number of scientists taking part in this conference represented the same scientific school. 2. The new equipment is designed to satisfy the growing demands of the building industry. 3. Solving this problem it is desirable to consider the following equations. 4. The problem being considered in this paper is of great significance. 5. Cellulose is the most common of all naturally occurring organic substances. 6. Not all existing roads meet modern requirements. 7. Roads connecting large industrial centers are very important for national economy. 8. The total number of vehicles passing through any section of a road in unit time (day, hour) is called the traffic intensity. 9. The road being built in our district will be opened for traffic next month. 10. The impurities remaining in the end product should be removed. 11. A traffic stream usually consists of many types of vehicles moving at different speeds. 12. A computer solving a lot of problems was designed by a group of students. 13. The smallest particle having all the characteristics of an element is called an atom.

Participle II

1. The formulated law is applied in many fields of science. 2. The report should involve the data obtained. 3. The reaction took place under reduced pressure. 4. We have measured the time required for this operation. 5. An instrument based on the same principle has been developed for substance analysis. 6. The elements predicted by Mendeleyev were later discovered by scientists from different countries. 7. The substances investigated showed quite interesting properties. 8. The results discussed have little relevance to the problem under investigation. 9. According to the viewpoint adopted this method couldn’t be used in construction. 10. This made it possible to study artificially prepared radioactive samples. 11. When metals react with acids the gas isolated is not always hydrogen. 12. The methods applied vary with the purpose of a particular investigation. 13. The amount of heat generated depended on the quality of the fuel used.

III. Переведите предложения, в которых причастие выполняет функцию обстоятельства. Обратите внимание на способы перевода причастий.

А. Model: Demonstrating the film, the lecturer commented on its contents.

Демонстрируя фильм, лектор делал комментарии о его содержании.

Having demonstrated the film, the lecturer commented on its contents.

Продемонстрировав фильм, лектор прокомментировал его содержание.

Having been demonstrated, the film was discussed by the experts.

После того, как фильм показали, он был обсуждён специалистами.

1. Having shown poor results, the method was not used any more. 2. Considering the problem the scientist used his own theory. 3. Having considered the problem, the scientist found a new solution. 4. Having applied this method we solved a number of complex mathematical problems. 5. Having been applied, the method helped us to solve some problems. 6. Having reacted with oxygen, this substance changed its properties. 7. This must be taken into account when comparing the project submitted. 8. Taking into account the results of the test, we find the material to be suitable for our new experiment. 9. Examining the material, the engineers obtained unexpected results. 10. Having been examined, the materials were used in construction. 11. Having developed the engine, the engineers tested it under different working conditions. 12. Having been invented, the engine was tested under different working conditions. 13. Being invented by our engineers, the new engine replaced the older model. 14. Strength and durability are the main factors when deciding upon the best building materials. 15. Speaking about the new methods of work the engineer told us many interesting details.

B. Model: When the car was covered with paint, it was delivered to the customer.

Когда машину покрыли краской, она была доставлена покупателю.

1. Invented by our engineers, the engine was then tested under different working conditions. 2. When heated to a high temperature, the substance showed better qualities. 3. Used without preliminary tests, the new engine showed low performance characteristics. 4. Subjected to high pressure, the substance lost its properties. 5. A brittle material breaks, when subjected to high pressure. 6. If handled carefully, formwork may be used several times. 7. Columns are often called posts, especially when made of timber. 8. Square columns can easily be constructed when required by the architectural design. 9. If protected by a special coating this material becomes waterproof. 10. When laid, the pipes are generally tested to twice the working pressure. 11. When cooled, a substance can be converted from the liquid state into the solid. 12. When heated to a certain temperature, this alloy increases in volume. 13. When heated, a magnet loses some of its magnetism. 14. When equipped with modern machinery, the plant considerably improved the product’s quality. 15. When placed in a vessel, a gas fills it completely.

IV. Выберите правильную форму причастия. Переведите предложения.

1. The house (being built/having build) in the street will be a new library. 2. The problems (discussed/discussing) at the conference were interesting. 3. (Having heated/being heated) magnetized materials lose their magnetism. 4. (Being finished/ having finished) the experiment, he printed the results (obtaining/obtained). 5. The device (having developed/being developed) is going to be (testing/tested) next winter.

6. (Having stated/having been stated) the laws of gravity Newton was able to explain the structure of the Universe. 7. Roads (connecting/having connected) large industrial centres are very important for the national economy. 8. (Being completed/having completed) the road they opened it for traffic. 9. The problem (solved/solving) helped to increase the speed of a car. 10. Vehicles (traveling/having traveled) in the same direction constitute a traffic stream. 11. The professor told us about the experiments (carrying/ being carried) out in the laboratory. 12. In this system steam is generated in a boiler (having filled/filled) with water.

V. Выпишите и переведите предложения, в которых:

а) причастие выполняет функцию определения;

б) причастие выполняет функцию обстоятельства;

1. The engine being tested will increase the safety and the car efficiency. 2. Testing the engine the engineers found some defects. 3. The engineers testing the engine found some defects. 4. Having tested the new engine, the engineers continued to improve it. 5. The engine tested showed perfect performance characteristics. 6. The road being built in our district will be opened for traffic next month. 7. The workers building the road use modern materials. 8. Having been built, the road was opened for traffic. 9. Having completed the road, they opened it for traffic. 10. The amount of water added influences the strength of concrete. 11. Having added more water, the inexperienced workers reduced the strength of concrete. 12. Adding water to the solution you should follow the instruction. 13. Being well designed, this road will function properly. 14. A well designed road will function properly. 15. Having been used for a long time, the road required reconstruction. 16. The results obtained showed that the tested materials were suitable. 17. Not all existing roads meet modern requirements. 18. Improving engineering standards designers should take into account the cost of the construction. 19. Having used the most advanced equipment, they improved the road pavement.

VI. Найдите в предложениях независимый причастный оборот. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на разные способы перевода независимого причастного оборота.

A. 1. The system having been tested, the safety and the car efficiency greatly increased. 2. The laboratory having been provided with the necessary instruments, they could carry out the work successfully. 3. A new technique having been developed, the quality of construction work greatly increased. 4. The temperature being 100 degrees, water boiled quickly. 5. The experiment having been carried out, we started a new investigation. 6. The road having been tested, it was opened for traffic. 7. New materials being widely used in road construction, the quality of the roads has been considerably increased. 8. The speed remaining constant, the car will cover the distance in 2 hours.

B. 1. In the steam engine the fuel burns slowly, the heat being used to generate steam. 2. Such minerals may occur in some other places, the possibility of discovering them being limited to certain areas. 3. The scientist gave explanations of the observed facts, his report being accompanied by tables and diagrams. 4. All bodies in nature possess either potential or kinetic energy, most of them possessing both. 5. In the first test two samples were used, both of them having low conductivity. 6. A lot of new materials are used in construction currently, reinforced concrete being the most common. 7. Panel heating is a widespread heating method, its basic advantage being that of comfort.

C. 1. The car moving with constant speed, the distance traveled is directly proportional to the time. 2. The most advanced equipment having been used, the road pavement was greatly improved. 3. Plans for building a house are made by an architect, a separate plan being drawn for each individual floor. 4. There being the danger of explosion, no gas can be used in the houses that have more than 12 storeys. 5. Reinforced concrete is widely used in building modern structures, the technique having become a routine practice. 6. The building profession is very popular nowadays, it being also well paid.

Дата публикования: 2015-09-17; Прочитано: 964 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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