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Упражнения. I. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на значения глагола to be

I. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на значения глагола to be.

1. Our language laboratory is in the main building. 2. The conditions of the experiment are to be changed. 3. Tyres are made of rubber because it is flexible. 4. They were to repair the road before it is cold. 5. Where is the largest power plant in your country?

6. The scientists are to find new sources of energy. 7. Wood is mostly replaced by steel in bridge construction. 8. They are translating the article on modern paving materials.

9. The task of an architect is to design useful and beautiful buildings. 10. This work is coordinated by our foreign partners. 11. Petrol engines are usually lighter and smaller than diesel engines. 12. If the engine is broken, it is to be repaired or changed. 13. His invention is of great importance for the mankind. 14. The main task of the designer was to improve the stability of the structure. 15. The engineer was to estimate the cost of repairing the building.

II. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на значения глагола to do.

1. The students often do their home task in the reading hall. 2. The strength of this new material does not depend on temperature changes. 3. What devices do you need for your experiments? 4. Energy is the ability to do work. 5. Do you remember the first bridge you built? 6. They began to do their test much earlier than we did. 7. Scientists and engineers do help one another in developing new construction materials. 8. Do these methods help you to improve the road pavement? 9. Metals conduct electricity better than the most of the non-metals do. 10. This type of asphalt did play an important part in road construction. 11. We’ll do our best to improve the air conditioning system.

12. The mechanic didn’t replace the fuel pump last week and I had to do it myself.

III. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на значения глагола to have.

1. The students will have an opportunity to take part in the conference. 2. They have already obtained positive results. 3. They had to change the temperature of the substance. 4. You can have permanent work at the laboratory after you pass all your exams successfully. 5. The construction of the channel has been completed. 6. The old construction methods had some drawbacks. 7. We’ll have to discuss this problem once more. 8. Have you found any new applications for this invention? 9. He has everything to realize his plans. 10. They had their laboratory furnished with modern devices. 11. You’ll have to work hard to pass your exams. 12. The traffic safety has improved owing to the new road pavement.

IV. Поставьте предложения в вопросительную или отрицательную формы.

1. Our engineers developed a new technique of concreting. 2. This method of calculation is accurate. 3. The plant has produced an improved model of a crane. 4. Flyover crossings are very expensive. 5. The quality of paving materials greatly influences the traffic safety. 5. The scientists had to obtain a substance with better properties. 6. The commission usually conducts a thorough investigation after an accident. 7. The reconstruction of the historical centre is to be completed in two months.

Дата публикования: 2015-09-17; Прочитано: 487 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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