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Ing - формы

Functions Noun Participle I Gerund
Подлежащее (Subject) The administration building faces the river. – Административное здание выходит на реку. Building is a profitable job nowadays.– Строить/Строительство сейчас – выгодная работа.
Дополнение (Object) Look at that old building.– Взгляните на это старое здание. We prefer building houses. – Мы предпочитаем строить дома.
Часть сказ. (Part of a predicate) It is our administration building. – Это наше административное здание. Не is building a new house for his family. – Он строит для своей семьи новый дом. Our task is building a big tractor plant.– Наша задача – построить крупный тракторный завод.
Определение (Attribute) The building design is up to date. – Проект здания современен. The workers building the stadium are from Finland.– Рабочие, строящие стадион, из Финляндии. The idea of building a new stadium was approved by the committee. – Идея построить новый стадион была одобрена комитетом.
Обстоя-тельство (Adverbial modifier) In the building there is a marble staircase. – В здании имеется мраморная лестница. Building the new house he used high quality bricks. – Возводя новый дом, он использовал высококачественный кирпич. By building up a detailed model one can facilitate the research. – Посредством создания подробной модели, можно облегчить исследование.

to the scientific conference. 5. He will not take part in the conference without being invited. 6. He remembers having been introduced to the well-known architect. 7. Our delegation got used to being introduced to the journalists. 8. You can’t present the report without introducing the results of your research. 9. The young engineer was surprised at having been given this position. 10. He understood the importance of being given this position. 11. The students have no difficulty in translating these sentences. 12. The professor mentioned having read my report.

II. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на герундий в функции:

а) подлежащего

1. Reinforcing concrete by steel makes it much stronger. 2. Heating a substance to high temperatures may change its properties. 3. Constructing tall buildings without modern building mechanisms is now impossible. 4. Boiling continued for as long as 80 hours. 5. Balancing is done with special equipment. 6. Carrying out this task required much efforts and knowledge. 7. Reconstructing this road will require much time and money. 8. Manufacturing the new engines started last year. 9. Discussing this problem allowed us to come to an important conclusion. 10. Working at a construction site helps to understand all stages of house construction.

б) части сказуемого

1. The task of the assistant is controlling the temperature level. 2. Our main duty was gathering information for the research. 3. His favourite occupation is watching the house construction process. 4. The main idea was analyzing the phenomenon in natural conditions. 5. The purpose of this report is presenting the results of the research. 6. They finished installing the equipment some days ago. 7. The designer went on working at the residence house interior. 8. Next year our laboratory will start investigating the properties of new materials. 9. At this temperature concrete starts hardening. 10. In spite of the failure they continued experimenting.

в) дополнения

1. He remembers having added some water to the mixture. 2. Science requires experimenting. 3. The mechanic recommended checking tyres regularly for pressure. 4. A driver should avoid carrying loose objects in his car. 5. I’d advise replacing the old cylinders. 6. They preferred using timber for construction purposes. 7. What apparatus do we use for measuring air pressure? 8. They insisted on the second question being reconsidered. 9. The very first efforts of our ancestors were aimed at obtaining shelter. 10. The use of fine tools resulted in developing building methods. 11. It is possible to set up power stations based on utilizing the heat of the Sun. 12. Drivers are warned against exceeding the speed limit. 13. Our efforts are directed towards improving the material quality.

г) определения

1. Every student understands the importance of learning foreign languages. 2. At the meeting they discussed different ways of improving their work. 3. Our scientists try to find new possibilities for applying atomic energy. 4. High temperature resistance is the main reason for choosing this substance. 5. There remains the problem of obtaining accurate measurements during the experiment. 6. The usual means of identifying temperature parameters is not available under these conditions. 7. His research is restricted to ways and means of measuring the surface area. 8. A discussion on applying this method was not over. 9. The accident may be considered as a result of overloading. 10. The technique of determining the material purity can be made a subject of detailed discussion.

д) обстоятельства

1. Aftercooling the substance to 20 degrees, he registered a pressure drop to 25 atm. 2. The mineral tended to turn white on drying. 3. On finding out that the apparatus was working badly, they delayed the experiment. 4. This technique can be applied in building power stations. 5. Before carrying out the research the substance must be purified. 6. After placing the concrete was compacted with vibrators. 7. Metals cannot be dissolved without being changed into new substances. 8. In spite of having met failure they continued experimenting. 9. After adding water concrete must be well mixed. 10. Without being subjected to special treatment rubber cannot be extensively used.

III. Найдите в предложениях герундий, oпределите его форму и функцию. Переведите предложения.

1. Instead of restoring the old motorway they decided to build a new one. 2. The method has a disadvantage of being relatively expensive. 3. Cutting stones and timber became possible with the invention of tools. 4. Up-to-date building is based upon using industrial methods of work. 5. The workers were busy assembling the apparatus. 6. In lifting large structural elements use is made of gantry cranes. 7. Good drainage gives a possibility of removing water off the road surface. 8. A special liquid is used for cooling the engine. 9. Although they obtained negative results they didn’t give up improving the method. 10. On being heated, these salts decompose. 11. They could not afford carrying out another unsuccessful experiment. 12. By avoiding this particular disadvantage we greatly improve the structural safety. 13. The opposite method is assembling large prefabricated structures at the site. 14. In planning an industrial enterprise the financial aspect is of prime significance. 15. In addition to carrying out installation work, our specialists will also give assistance in starting the atomic reactor. 16. They have worked for three years with a view to improving the quality of the ventilation system.

VI. Определите, является ли слово с окончанием –ing герундием или причастием. Предложения переведите.

1. Investigating the properties of different aggregates has led to important theories concerning the concrete nature. 2. Investigating the properties of different materials they formulated some important theories concerning the concrete nature. 3. Placing concrete can be carried out with or without vibrators. 4. Placing concrete the workers often use vibrators. 5. Before solving this problem it is desirable to consider the available data. 6. While solving this problem the scientists considered the available data. 7. The scientists solving this problem considered the available data. 8. The scientists considered different ways of solving the problem. 9. It was impossible to postpone testing the new engine before the exhibition. 10. Testing the new engine before the exhibition they found out some drawbacks.

5. 9. Неопределённая форма глагола или инфинитив (The Infinitive)

Дата публикования: 2015-09-17; Прочитано: 473 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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