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Многофункциональные глаголы

Ряд глаголов (to be, to have, to do, etc) могут употребляться как смысловые, вспомогательные, модальные или глаголы-связки.

5.5.1. Глагол “to be”

Формы глагола “to be”

  Present Past Future
  Indefinite I am he (she, it) is we (you, they) are I (he, she, it) was we (you, they) were I (he, she, it, we, you, they) will be
  Continuous I am being he (she, it) is being we (you, they) are being I (he, she, it) was being we (you, they) are being     ____
  Perfect I (we, you, they) have been he (she, it) has been I (he, she, it, we, you, they) had been I (he, she, it, we, you, they) will have been

Функции глагола “to be”

Функция Пример и перевод
Смысловой глагол
to be + Prep +N

to be + Adv.

The lecturer is in the dean’s office. Лектор (находится) в деканате. The lecturer is here. Лектор (находится) здесь.
Вспомогательный глагол
to be+Participle II
а) страдательный залог

to be +Participle I
b) времена группы Continuous

  The lecturer was asked a question. Лектору был задан вопрос. The student is making notes of the lecture. Студент конспектирует лекцию.
Глагол- связка
to be + Infinitive
to be + Adj.

The lecture is interesting. - Лекция интересна. My aim is to enter the University – Моя цель – поступить в университет.
Модальный глагол
to be + Infinitive

You are to make notes of the lecture. – Вы должны конспектировать лекцию.

5.5.2. Глагол “to have”

Формы глагола “to have”

  Present Past Future
+ I (we, you, they) have he (she, it) has I (you, he, she, it, we, they) had I (you, he, she, it, we, they) will have
_ I (we, you, they) haven’t he (she, it) hasn’t I (you, he, she, it, we, they) hadn’t I (you, he, she, it, we, they) will not (won’t) have
? Have I (we, you, they)? Has he (she, it)…? Had you (I, she, he, it, we, they)…? Will you (I, she, he, it, we, they) have …?

Функции глагола “to have”

Функция Пример и перевод
Смысловой глагол
to have+N

They have 3 lectures today. У них сегодня 3 лекции.
Вспомогательный глагол при образовании времён группы Perfect
to have + Participle II

We have passed the exam. Мы сдали экзамен. When I called they had already got their credits in English. Когда я позвонил, они уже получили зачёт по английскому языку.
Модальный глагол
to have+Infinitive

I will have to take 3 exams this summer. Я должен буду сдать 3 экзамена этим летом. He has to attend 3 lectures a day. Ему приходится посещать по 3 лекции в день.

5.5.3. Глагол “to do”

Формы глагола “to do”

  Present Past Future
+ I (we, you, they) do… He (she, it) does… I (you, he, she, it, we, they) did… I (you, he, she, it, we, they) will do
_ I (we, you, they) don’tdo… He (she, it) doesn’t do… I (you, he, she, it, we, they) didn’t do… I (you, he, she, it, we, they) will not (won’t) do…
? Do I (we, you, they) do…? Does he (she, it) do…? Did you (I, he, she, it, we, they) do…? Will you (I, he, she, it, we, they) do …?

Функции глагола “to do”

Функции Пример и перевод
to do + N
Смысловой глагол

We’ll do the homework in the morning. Мы сделаем домашнее задание утром.
Вспомогательный глагол
do + not
а) отрицательная


do + N V…?
б) вопросительная


  We don’t have classes in the morning. У нас нет занятий утром. Do the students have classes in the morning? У студентов есть занятия по утрам?  
do +V  
Усилительное do

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