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Job demands

Grammar focus: the Subjunctive 1

Materials: none

Dynamic: whole class

Time: 20 minutes


1. Have the students to think of a job and not to disclose it to their groupmates.

2. Tell the students to write down the main skills a person should have to get this job. The students are to use the Subjunctive 1 while fulfilling the task:

It is important that you…

It is necessary that you…

It is recommended that you…

It is strongly advisable that you …

Your main skill is that you …

The only condition of getting this job is that you…

They (e.g. people on the top) insist on the fact that you …

3. One by one the students read the demands and the others should guess what job is implied.


Grammar focus: the Suppositional Mood – “I wish…”

Materials: Worksheet O

Dynamic: whole class

Time: 10 minutes


1. Cut up the worksheet or make your own.

2. Give each student one card and tell them not to show it to their groupmates.

3. Have the students one by one express their wishes on the base of the information in their cards.

4. After a student has expressed his/her wish, tell the others to guess the initial situation.

For example: the card is “Your neighbours play loud music late at night and you can’t fall asleep”.

The wish expressed by a student is “I wish my neighbours didn’t play loud music at night”.

The initial situation is “He/she can’t fall asleep because his/her neighbours play loud music at night”.

Дата публикования: 2015-07-22; Прочитано: 285 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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