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Worksheet J

You’ve lost your mobile phone but you need to make an urgent call. You have nobody to baby-sit your younger brother while you’re out for a couple of hours. You must pull up your English to a better standard otherwise you’re going to be expelled. You’re looking for accommodation and at the moment have nowhere to live.
You receive pittance at your part-time job and desperately need money. You have just recovered after pneumonia and need someone to elucidate all the university material to you. You’re leaving for a week and have no one to look after your dachshund. You would like to move the furniture and think you’ll need some spare hands.
Your friend has an acquaintance in the company you would like to apply for a job to. You want him/her to put in a good word for you. You’ve promised your parents to come to their golden anniversary and want to get a substitute for yourself at work. You’ve had connection failures for 2 days but you need to send an e-mail. Your parents don’t allow driving but you want somebody to teach you in order to receive a driver’s license in a couple of years.
You want to prepare a grandiose dinner but have no idea how to do it.   You’ve started capital repairs in your apartment but can’t finish it by yourself. There are some troubles with your new computer. It is out of your bent, so you want your friend to have a look at it. Your friend has got an encyclopedia you need for studying this month.

Дата публикования: 2015-07-22; Прочитано: 288 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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