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Subjunctive I

Subjunctive I shows an action that is problematic but doesn’t contradict the reality. It also has an optative meaning [17]:

If the weather be fine tomorrow, we shall go to the country. I suggest that he do this work. Success attend you!

Subjunctive I coincides with the infinitive without the particle ‘to’. This form is used for all the persons:

The Poles demamnded that Ivan Susanin show them the way to Moscow.

Subjunctive I is used in British English in simple sentences with an optative meaning, set expressions, slogans, oaths, imprecations [2; 139]: God bless you! So be it! Be it so! Heaven (God) forbid! Manners be hanged! Long live the Queen! Success attend you! Blessed be! Far be it from me to conceal the truth! Truth be told… God save the King! Suffice it to say… If it please the court… Be that as it may. Come what may. Happen what may! Perish the thought! Confound your ideas! May you be happy! Be ours a happy journey! In American English Subjunctive I is used both in simple and complex sentences as an equivalent of The Suppositional Mood:

He ordered that we be present. The agronomist demanded that we water flowers every day. (Subjunctive I)

The agronomist demanded that we should water flowers every day. (The Suppositional Mood)

The Subjunctive I can be used in negative, continuous and passive forms:

The boss insisted that Sam not be at the meeting.

The company asked that employees not accept personal phone calls during business hours.

I suggest that you not take the job without renegotiating the salary.

Jake recommended that Susan be hired immediately.

Christine demanded that I be allowed to take part in the negotiations.

We suggested that you be admitted to the organization.

It is important that you be standing there when he gets off the plane.

It is crucial that a car be waiting for the boss when the meeting is over.

I propose that we all be waiting in Tim's apartment when he gets home.

Дата публикования: 2015-07-22; Прочитано: 506 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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