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Grammar focus: conditionals

Materials: Worksheet I

Dynamic: Pairs

Time: 25 minutes


1. Copy Worksheet I onto the board. (You may think of your own halves of conditional sentences and fill in a tic-tac-toe grid with them.)

2. Choose one student and play tic-tac-toe with him/her. You choose any half of a sentence in the grid, complete it and draw a cross in this square. The student you play with chooses another half, completes it and draws a zero. The person who draws 3 crosses (zeros) vertically, horizontally or diagonally first wins.

3. Tell the students to make a similar tick-tack-toe grids each.

4. Break the students into pairs.

5. Have them play in pairs. The students will play twice using the two grids they have made.

6. Go round the class and check whether the correct grammar forms are used.

13. On condition that…

Grammar focus: Conjunctions replacing ‘if’

Materials: Worksheet J

Dynamic: pair work

Time: 15 minutes


1. Cut up Worksheet K into cards (one request in each card).

2. Break students into pairs. Give each student a request card.

3. Explain the students that they’re going to make requests using the information given in their cards, but their partners should agree only on some conditions.

For example: the card – “You have run out of money”

the request – “Ann, I need money. Will you lend me some?”

the answer – “Of course, dear, but only on the condition (as long as/ provided/providing/assuming) that you pay back exactly on the pay day.” Or “No, I won’t, unless you pay it back exactly on the pay day.”

4. Time permitting the pairs may exchange their cards until all the pairs have made all the requests.


Grammar focus: “What if/Say”

Materials: Worksheet K, 1 die, 2 counters of different colours (for each pair of students)

Dynamic: pair work

Time: 15 minutes


1. Break the students into pairs. Give each pair a copy of Worksheet K, 1 die and 2 counters of different colours.

2. Explain the rules of the game to the students:

Step 1. Student 1 throws a die and put his/her counter on the square with the number that was on the die. Then he/she asks Student 2 a question beginning with “What if/Say” and using the information in the square. For example: “What if you are expelled, what will you do?”

Step 2. Student 2 answers the question and then rolls the die. Having counted off the number of squares equal to the number on the die, he/she place his/her counter and asks his/her partner a question. The students continue the procedure until one of them reaches the finish – he/she is a winner.

Дата публикования: 2015-07-22; Прочитано: 393 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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