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Space for imagination

Grammar focus: Conditional 2

Material: Worksheet D

Dynamic: whole class

Time: 20 min.


1. Cut up the worksheet or make your own. Give each student one card.

2. Have the students (one by one) answer the questions on their cards. You may give them some time to think.

3. Ask the students to exchange the cards and answer the questions they received. Time permitting, the students may exchange the cards as many times as possible until each student answers all the questions.

The cause of ups and downs

Grammar focus: Conditional 2, Conditional 3 – If it were not for/if it hadn’t been for/ But for

Material: Worksheet E

Dynamic: groups

Time: 40 min.


  1. Give each student a copy of Worksheet E. You may also use the biography of any other well-known person.
  2. Break the students into two groups. The first group should find the ups in the singer’s career and the second one should look for the downs. Then with the help of the constructions If it were not for/If it hadn’t been for/ But for they should make sentences describing causes of the singer’s luck and misfortunes in this or that period of life.
  3. Have the groups one by one name the causes of luck and misfortunes. Discuss altogether whether the number of misfortunes prevails or not and how they influence people’s character.

Дата публикования: 2015-07-22; Прочитано: 346 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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