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Vocabulary Bank. pleasure удовольствие to travel by air, by train, by bus, by water, on foot путешествовать на самолете

pleasure удовольствие
to travel by air, by train, by bus, by water, on foot путешествовать на самолете, поезде, на автобусе, морским путем, пешком
convenient удобный
expensive дорогой
slow медленный
advantage преимущество
that’s why поэтому
means виды, способы
trip поездка
to reserve заказывать
to rent снимать, арендовать
suntanned загорелый


1. Answer the following questions:

1. Why do people travel today?

2. How can people travel today?

3. Which is the most fastest and convenient way of travelling? Is it cheap?

4. What is the most popular way of travelling today? Why?

5. What is your favorite way of travelling? Why?

6. Where do you usually spend your holidays?

7. Do you spend your holidays with your parents or with your friends? Why?

8. Where did you spend your summer holidays last time?

9. Where are you going to spend your holidays next time?

2.Give the opposites of the following adjectives, give their comparative and superlative degrees:

Impossible, convenient, fast, expensive, slow, interesting, comfortable, enjoyable, long, popular, heavy, warm, suntanned.

3.Correct the mistakes in the following sentences:

1. A train is faster than a plane.

2. Travelling by sea is the most popular today.

3. Travelling by air is cheaper than travelling by car.

4. A plane is slower than a car.

5. Cars are more comfortable than trains.

4.Speak about different kinds of transport using the table:

    Trains are Planes are Buses are Ships are   the most convenient the fastest the most expensive the safest the slowest the cheapest the best the worst       way of travelling.  

Unit 4

Дата публикования: 2015-04-09; Прочитано: 2279 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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