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Vocabulary Bank. neither nor Ни ни arm-chair кресло living-room гостинная kitchen кухня bathroom ванная

neither... nor Ни … ни
arm-chair кресло
living-room гостинная
kitchen кухня
bathroom ванная
corridor прихожая
sideboard сервант, буфет
carpet ковер
furniture мебель
dressing-table туалетный столик
drawer ящик
mirror зеркало
bookcase книжный шкаф
It is a pity жаль
washing-machine стиральная машина
vacuum-cleaner пылесос


1. Answer the following questions:

1. Have you got a flat?

2. Is it big or small?

3. What is the number of your flat?

4. How many rooms has the flat?

5. What is there in the living-room?

6. Is there a piano in it?

7. Is the TV set on the left or on the right?

8. What can you see on the wall?

9. The dining-room is big, isn't it?

10. Where is the wardrobe?

11. How many books are there in the bookcase?

12. Do you like your room?

13.Do you like your flat?

2. Fill in there is or there are:

1. … a gas-stove and a fridge in our kitchen.

2. … a lot of furniture in our flat.

3. … three rooms in our flat.

4. … a built-in wardrobe in the room.

5. … a carpet on the floor.

6. … a water-colour and some prints on the walls of his house.

7. … a lot of knives, forks and spoons in the drawers of the sideboard.

8. … a sofa-bed in the left-hand coner.

3. Make the following sentences negative and interrogative:

1. There are some flowers in the vase on the table.

2. There are some fresh newspapers in the letter-box.

3. There are some dirty dishes in the sink.

4. There are some pictures in this magazine.

5. There is some meat in the fridge.

6. There is some milk in the bottle.

7. There is some bread in the plate.

Дата публикования: 2015-04-09; Прочитано: 596 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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