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On weekdays the alarm-clock wakes me up at six a.m. and my working day begins. I am not an early-riser, that's why it's very difficult for me to get out of bed, especially in winter. As a rule I stay in bed for a few minutes. But all the same, it is time to get up and start getting ready for my study.

I do my bed and go to the bathroom where I take a warm shower, clean my teeth, comb my hair.

While I am having breakfast, I switch on the radio and listen to the music. I usually have a cup of coffee and some sandwiches for breakfast. I don't like to eat a lot in the morning.

I leave the house at seven a.m. and go to the nearest bus-stop. It takes me twenty minutes to get to the Institute. On the way to the Institute I often meet my group-mates and we go on together talking shop.

My working day starts at nine sharp. I am at studies from eight o'clock in the morning to three o'clock in the afternoon. We have classes five times a week.

At eleven o'clock in the afternoon we have lunch. We usually have lunch in the self-service canteen which is on the first floor. It does not take me long to have my midday meal. During our working day we also have several short coffee breaks. But sometimes we have no time for them.

As a rule I have to go to our library and prepare my homework after classes. I come home at six o'clock in the evening. My parents are usually at home, waiting for me. We have dinner together. Then we sit in the living room, drink tea, watch TV or just talk.

By the end of the week I get very tired. All I can do on week-ends is to sleep till eleven o'clock, watch television, listen to the music and read something interesting.

Дата публикования: 2015-04-09; Прочитано: 1172 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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