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On weekdays people must go to work or earn money or to study to have knowledge. When our working week comes to an end we are very happy to meet days off, because it is a good time to have a rest, to communicate with friends and relatives or dedicate this time to yourself.

I usually go to Institute six days a week so Sunday is my only day off. On this day I don’t get up early. I can sleep more than usual because there is no need to hurry anywhere. I get up, have a shower and at ten or eleven o’clock we have a family breakfast. Then I rest for a while, watch TV, read a book or just listen to the radio. When the weather is fine I try to spend my time out-doors. My friends come to me and we can go to the cinema, park, museum. But best of all I like to go to the café. We even have our favorite one. We can sit there for hours, drink coke, eat ice-cream and chat about everything.

I also prefer to go to the sports club or swimming pool. And there I have a rest. Sometimes on Sundays we invite our close friends and relatives for dinner. Then in the morning my father and I go to the supermarket to buy the necessary food and my mother cooks tasty dishes. As a rule on these days my parents with their friends go to the theatre and I have to stay at home with my little sister. But I don’t mind actually. And I should say it is not boring at all. We watch cartoons or play games.

Дата публикования: 2015-04-09; Прочитано: 627 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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