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Modern life is impossible without travelling. Thousands of people travel every day either on business or for pleasure. They can travel by air, by train, by sea or by road.

Of course, travelling by air is the fastest and the most convenient way, but it is the most expensive, too. Travelling by train is slower, than by plane, but it has its advantages. You can see more interesting places of the country. Modern trains have comfortable seats. There are also sleeping cars and dining cars that make even the longest journey enjoyable. Speed, comfort and safety are the main advantages of trains and planes. That’s why many people prefer them to all other means of travelling.

Travelling by sea is popular mostly for pleasure trips. Large ships can visit foreign countries and different places of interest. The trips on the Volga, the Don the Black Sea are very popular today.

As for me I prefer travelling by car. I think it’s very convenient. You needn’t reserve your tickets. You needn’t carry heavy suitcases. You can stop anywhere you wish and spend as much time as you like at any place.

My longest holidays are in summer and we often go to the Black Sea coast with my parents. We usually rent a room or a house there for a couple of weeks.

When we spend our vocations at the seaside we swim in the warm water of the Black Sea and sunbathe on the beach. In the daytime we play volleyball, tennis or go to the mountains. In the evening I like to sit on the beach watching the sea and enjoying the sunset.

Vacation time passes quickly and soon we have to go home.

We return home suntanned and full of impressions.

Дата публикования: 2015-04-09; Прочитано: 525 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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