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Join two sentences to make one with the Gerund as an Attribute. The first sentence has been done for you

1) Sally missed her chance. She refused to meet Ken.

Sally missed her chance of meeting Ken.

2) He rejected a very promising offer. Do you know the reason?

3) Mr Fink gave false evidence in the court. Will he be put the blame on?

4) Richard and Marylin were a young married couple, they wanted to buy their own house or an apartment. But there was no possibility at that stage of their life.

5) They kept saving to put more money down. They had that plan.

6) Meanwhile they were looking at houses in different areas to find the house they cared for. They had the purpose.

7) Soon they had some experience. They visited the Real estate agency, talked to agents, learned a lot.

8) They went to the bank to find out about the mortgage to buy a house. They needed that knowledge.

9) They wanted to get a loan. The loan officer let them know the ways to do it.

10) They had to make payments every month. There was a requirement at the bank.

15.Put in the Gerund as an Attribute to complete the sentences about experience, skills and abilities a manager must possess. Comment on them.

1) Managers set objectives and decide on the ways of..... them. (achieve)

2) The latter involves the task of.....strategies, plans and precise tactics. (develop)

3) Managers thus require abilities of..... decisions. (make)

4) They need abilities of..... people. (organize)

5) Managers are to have the experience of..... and..... the activities of the organisation. (analise, classify)

6) No less important is the skill of..... people to manage units and perform the jobs. (select)

7) Managers practise the social skills of..... people. (motivate)

8) They must have the experience of..... meetings of the staff and of..... speeches in order to communicate objectives to people. (hold, make)

9) Managers should practise the skill of..... the work of their subordinates. (supervise)

10) There is a very important ability of..... the performance of the organisation’s staff. (measure)

11) And last, but not least comes the skill of..... people. (develop)

Дата публикования: 2014-10-25; Прочитано: 702 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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