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Complete using the appropriate form of the Gerund

1) Stark sat down without...... (speak)

2) He didn’t go without..... by Amy. (congratulate)

3) After..... more closely than usual and..... his hair, he took the bus downtown. (shave, brush)

4) Even a criminal must be told the nature of his crime before...... (convict)

5) I know everyone who is worth...... (know)

6) Let me tell you whose house you’ve come into without..... or...... (ask, want)

7) No one could pass in or out without...... (see)

8) She denies..... to him. (speak)

9) He was ashamed of..... even the slightest irritation. (show)

10) On..... the house we directed our steps to the nearest shade. (leave)

11) He didn’t remember..... in that room. (be)

12) He liked neither..... aloud nor..... aloud to. (read, read)

13) The child deserves...... (praise)

14) I had to sound as if I didn’t mind...... (insult)

15) They could hardly have been successful lawyers if they had not possessed a shrewdness that prevented them from..... by appearances. (deceive)

Complete the story with the correct Infinitive or Gerund form of the verbs in brackets and reproduce it.

A new find was about (1)..... (star) in a picture. One scene was where the girl was (2)..... (jump) from a high cliff into the water. Upon (3)..... (examine) the (4)..... (jump) point and the (5)..... (land) place, the girl ran to the director and said, – "I won’t make that jump. I absolutely refuse (6)..... (do) it. There’s only a foot of water at the bottom of that cliff." "All right," answered the director. "Do you think we want you (7).....? (drown)

Дата публикования: 2014-10-25; Прочитано: 1049 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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