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Insist on, congratulate on

Decide against, warn against

Prevent from, stop from

Feel like

Succeed in

Look forward to

E.g. The man was suspected of being a spy.

She apologised to me for not telling the truth.

3. The Gerund is used after following expressions: It’s no use/It’s no good; There is no point in; It’s (not) worth; Have difficulty; Go (go fishing, go swimming); Be/get used to; How about (playing tennis)?

I had difficulty finding a place to live.

There was no point in waiting any longer.

She is English. She is used to driving on the left.

4. The Gerund is used after adjectives/participles with prepositions: be interested in, be good at, be bored with, be fed up with, be tired of, etc.:

E.g. She is not very good at learning languages.

She must be fed up with studying.

5. The Gerund is used after nouns with prepositions:

for: cause, excuse, genius, gift, motive, passion, reason, reputation, talent;

in: advantage, belief, difficulty, experience, harm, hesitation, meaning, object, participation, pleasure, point, purpose, sense, skill, use;

at: amazement, astonishment, attempt, delight, irritation, pleasure, practice, satisfaction, shyness, surprise;

about: fantasy, obsession;

to: objection, preparation.

E.g. I can't make out the reason for rejecting the offer.

Is there any advantage in learning?


Дата публикования: 2014-10-25; Прочитано: 674 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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