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Use the prompts from the box to complete the sentences with the Gerund as an Adverbial Modifier of Manner

sort out business correspondence, clear up the piles of parers, inform about the forthcoming meeting, sort out telephone calls and visitors, get in touch with the executive, make coffee and sandwiches, suggest to take a seat, pretend to be tired, work overtime.

1) Susan is a secretary. She starts her working day by......

2) She always keeps her desk tidy by......

3) Her boss often forgets things. And she helps him by......

4) There are no crowds of people in the office. Susan does it by......

5) If the boss is out she solves the problem by......

6) If there’s too much work to do and there’s no time for lunch she can do even without......

7) She tries her best to be polite with the customer by......

8) She has worked for ten years without......

9) She wouldn’t have deserved her boss’s praise without......

20. Complete the sentences using the prepositions by or without.

1) Sarah sat through her first lesson..... saying a word.

2) You can't have a war..... someone getting hurt.

3) I wouldn't do a thing like that..... telling you.

4) Two men escaped from jail..... climbing a wall.

5) The customer initiates an order..... sending an order form to the sales area.

6)..... securing the immediate future we shall have no prospects.

7) The company can be made to perform properly..... having competent staff.

8) Business is developed..... acquiring additional assets, subsidiaries or ordinary long-term outside investments.

9) The production and marketing departments cannot take financial decisions..... consulting the finance department.

10) You can expand the information in your letter..... including more details about the item.

11) Good management can greatly improve the resources..... selling and distributing the finished goods as quickly as possible.

12) The policeman rarely completed a Christmas duty..... having to report a suicide, usually caused by loneliness.

Дата публикования: 2014-10-25; Прочитано: 947 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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