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Use your own ideas to complete the sentences with the Infinitive as a Purpose

1) The President has a team of bodyguards..... him.

2) I didn’t have enough time..... the newspaper today.

3) I came home by taxi. I didn’t have the energy......

4) We need a bag..... these things in.

5) I wish we had enough money..... a new car.

6) They’ve just passed their exams. They are having a party.....

7) I can’t do all this work alone. I need somebody..... me.

8) They gave us some money..... some food.

9) We shouted..... everybody of the danger.

10) A friend of mine phoned..... me to the party.

11) I need a few days..... about your proposal.

23. Read the text about the first world’s largest airship, the Hindenburg, that crashed in 1937. Complete five sentences after reading and reproduce the text.

The Hindenburg was designed to carry passengers and cargo over long distances. It could carry 50 passengers accomodated in 25 luxury cabins like in a first class hotel.

The Hindenburg was built to compete with the great luxury transatlantic liners. It was able to cross the Atlantic in less than half the time of a liner.

It was filled with hydrogen, which is a highly flammable gas, and every safety precaution had been taken to prevent accidents. It had a smoking room which was pressurized in order to prevent gas from ever entering it. Special materials had been chosen to minimize the possibility of accidental sparks which might cause an explosion.

The cause of disaster is believed to be ignition by static electricity. The most surprising thing is that most passengers managed to survive.

1) The airship was designed to......

2) It was built in order to......

3) Every safety precaution had been taken to......

4) The smoking room was pressurized to......

5) Special materials had been chosen to......

Дата публикования: 2014-10-25; Прочитано: 1470 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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