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Use your own ideas to complete the sentences with the Infinitive in the correct form

1) Lake Baikal is said..... the deepest lake in the world.

2) The negotiations are likely..... until Sunday.

3) The steamer is believed..... in Istambul.

4) The cargo does not seem..... by the storm.

5) The parties are reported..... the problem.

6) The parties are understood..... an agreement.

7) They are very likely..... part in this work.

8) The results of the test seemed..... them.

9) This plant seems..... such equipment since 1965.

10) I happened..... my office early that day.

11) She seemed..... for along time.

12) They seem..... a good time at the seaside.

13) The price of this metal in England is stated..... by 11.6% in September last year.

14) The devaluation of the pound sterling is known..... to a rise in the prices of all the goods imported into England.

15) He is sure...… manager of the production department at the next meeting of the Board.

4.Put in suitable words to make Complex Subject.

1) He..... to be inviting Roger to take a risk.

2) Human fatigue..... to have played a part in the tragedy.

3) In that same week I..... to have been enquiring whether certain invitations have been sent out.

4) They..... to be getting on a bit better.

5) He..... to have gained all he wanted.

6) The victim..... to have been poisoned.

7) He..... to report on his findings to the Committee.

8) Mummy..... to be a saint.

9) He..... to be preparing a report on the incident.

10) The building..... to have been damaged in the air raid.

11) What's that..... to signify?

12) In those days a woman..... to be as thin as a rail and as flat as a pancake.

13) He..... always..... to be a doctor.

14) The remark..... to reach our teacher.

15) He..... to make a speech there and he wanted me to hear it.

Дата публикования: 2014-10-25; Прочитано: 1501 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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