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Complete with the correct form of the Infinitives in brackets as an Object

1) It's unusual..... a shy girl nowadays. (meet)

2) It was pleasant..... a car again. (drive)

3) It was charming..... with so much eagerness. (welcome)

4) It was funny..... Mrs Henneker. (startle)

5) It was odd..... by men in sun-glasses at dawn. (surround)

6) I had known him as a doctor, but was not old enough..... him as a friend. (know)

7) He was glad..... to like to an Olympian god. (talk)

Make one sentence with the Infinitive as a Result out of two. The first one has been done for you.

1) They are very tired. They can't talk.

They are too tired to talk.

2) He is very old. He can't work.

3) We were very surprised. We couldn't say anything.

4) She is very ill. She shouldn't go out.

5) The exam is rather difficult for him. He will not pass it.

6) The way is rather long. He can't walk.

7) It's rather cold. You should wear a coat.

8) You can obtain such pictures. It's not difficult.

9) He is sensible. He can cut his losses.

10) He was old enough. He couldn't be his father.

16.Paraphrase as in the model.

Model: It's hard to please him .> He is hard to please.

1) It's difficult to deal with him.

2) It's pleasant to look at her.

3) It would be nice to spend the rest of one's days in this village.

4) It's profitable to expand economic contracts with foreign partners.

5) It's easy to please him.

6) It's easy to discuss this problem.

7) It's plain and simple to operate this machine.

8) It's difficult to translate this sentence.

Дата публикования: 2014-10-25; Прочитано: 819 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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