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E X E R C I S E S. 1. Match the comments with the answers. 1) I feel so old 2) The plants in the garden are dying 3) We never hear from Angela 4) I didn’t know you

1. Match the comments with the answers.

1) I feel so old 2) The plants in the garden are dying 3) We never hear from Angela 4) I didn’t know you were ill 5) I can’t afford to go out 6) It takes hours to get to work 7) She looked absolutely lovely 8) We don’t see you very often nowadays 9) Now everyone knows the secret a) I wish it would rain. b) I wish you had told me. c) I wish we lived nearer the office. d) I wish you could come more often. e) I wish I hadn’t told anyone. f) I wish I were younger. g) I wish she would write more often. h) I wish I had more money. i) I wish I could have taken a photograph.

2. Write sentences with ‘I wish’.

Model: It’s raining very hard. ® I wish it weren’t raining so hard.

1) We haven’t time to stop.

2) John didn’t pass the exam.

3) It’s very cold in here.

4) There’s no time to spare.

5) George won’t help.

6) Mary didn’t come.

7) I didn’t see the match last week.

8) I can’t give up smoking.

9) Tina can’t come to the party.

10) She doesn’t know anything about cars.

11) I’m not lying on a sunny beach.

12) I hate having to do homework every night.

13) I decided to work in London.

14) We sold the house we had in Manchester.

15) We didn’t realize that a supermarket was opening nearby.

16) We put our money into a grocery shop.

17) We borrowed $3.000 to start the business.

18) It was a mistake to leave Manchester.

3. Imagine that you are in these situations. For each situation write a sentence with ‘I wish’.

Model: You’ve eaten too much and now you feel sick.

You say I wish I hadn’t eaten so much.

1) There was a job advertised in the newspaper. You decided not to apply for it. Now you think that your decision was wrong.

You say: I wish I ____.

2) When you were younger, you didn’t learn to play a musical instrument. Now you regret this.

You say: ____.

3) You’ve painted the gate red. Now you think that it doesn’t look very nice.

You say: ____.

4) You have some unexpected guests. They didn’t tell you they were coming. You are very busy and you are not prepared for them.

You say (to yourself): ____.

5) You are walking in the country. You would like to take some photographs but you didn’t bring your camera.

You say: ____.

Дата публикования: 2014-10-25; Прочитано: 1037 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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