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Rewrite these sentences as conditionals

Model: Unfortunately I didn’t see him, so I couldn’t give him your message.

If I had seen him, I could have given him your message.

1) Unfortunately he didn’t pass his exams or he might have gone to university.

2) He didn’t realize what was happening or he would have run away.

3) Fortunately I didn’t hear what she said or I would have been very angry.

4) They got in because you didn’t lock the door properly.

5) It only happened because you didn’t follow the instructions.

6) Luckily she didn’t find out or she would have been furious.

7) It’s lucky we looked a room or we would have had nowhere to stay.

8) It’s a good job we weren’t going any faster or someone could have been killed.

9) He was so tired that he went home at lunchtime.

9. Complete the sentences.

1) If I’d had my eye damaged,....

2) We would have flown to California....

3) The flight wouldn’t have been delayed if....

4) I would never have known if....

5) If I had read more....

6) They would have signed the contract if....

7) We would have stayed in Paris longer....

8) We wouldn’t have spent all our money if....

9) If the adverts had said something about the noise from traffic,....

10) If I’d seen an accident,....

11) She wouldn’t have called you liar if....

12) Mr Spark wouldn’t have gone to the pub if....

13) There might be an accident if....

14) If I had felt seasick,....

Дата публикования: 2014-10-25; Прочитано: 1016 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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