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Join the clauses in column A with those in column B to make eight logical sentences

1) As long as it’s not raining 2) Unless you have more practice 3) If you hadn’t telephoned 4) If I were a stranger 5) Even if she apologised 6) If the weather had been wet 7) If I hadn’t been so tired 8) Provided that you rest a) you should be all right in a few days. b) we wouldn’t have got the message. c) the match would have been cancelled. d) I wouldn’t have gone to bed early. e) you won’t pass the driving test. f) I would never invite her again. g) we’ll go out for a walk. h) I would carry it myself.

8. Complete the following sentences with an appropriate conditional clause.

1) If I found a gun in the street, ___.

2) You wouldn’t have been punished ___.

3) If you drink all that juice, ___.

4) If you drive too fast, ___.

5) Unless the weather improves, ___.

6) If you should see Mark this evening, ___.

7) My father would have bought me a bicycle, ___.

8) If you had taken my advice, ___.

9) He would have been angry ___.

10) If you aren’t enjoying the film, ___.

9. Write sentences as in the model.

1) You went to bed late and didn’t wake up in time for work.

2) You want to go to safari park with Michael, but you’re afraid of lions.

3) You would like to write a letter to Fred but you don’t have his address.

4) You went skiing and broke your leg.

5) You didn’t go to the concert because you didn’t know about it.

6) You have to stay in bed because you’ve got the flu.

7) You are lost in London because you don’t have a map.

Дата публикования: 2014-10-25; Прочитано: 1588 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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