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Match the clauses together to make mixed conditional sentences

1) If you had told me about this problem earlier 2) If you were a more sensitive person 3) If they don’t contact you soon 4) If he hadn’t died so young 5) If he didn’t work so hard all the time 6) If the train hadn’t been delayed 7) If he was feeling ill this morning 8) If you’re coming with us 9) If I really wanted to have children 10) If you had worked harder last month a) he probably won’t be at the meeting b) you could always ring them up c) his wife would never have left him d) you wouldn’t have said that to her e) I would have had them by now f) everything would be all right now g) would you hurry up and get ready? h) you wouldn’t be so busy this month i) we would be there by now j) I’m sure he’d be a famous musician  

Use mixed conditionals in these sentences.

1) If I ___ (be) you, I ___ (check) my facts before I wrote the letter.

2) If you ___ (be) so hungry, you ___ (not miss) breakfast.

3) If he ___ (not catch) the 5.30 train, he ___ (not arrive) for another two hours.

4) He ___ (feel) very tired today if he ___ (play) rugby yesterday.

5) If the snake bite ___ (be) poisonous, you ___ (feel) very ill now.

6) If I ___ (be) in your position, I ___ (answer) his letter by now.

Two scouts, Alan and Bob, are sheltering from a storm. They are discussing what has happened, and what to do now. Complete the conversation with a suitable form of the verb in brackets.

Аlan: I (1) ‘ll carry on (carry on) with our walk when the weather (2) ____ (clear up).
Bob: Yes. But if (3) ___ (know) the weather was going to be this bad, I (4) ___ (never set out).
Alan: Well, it’s a bit brighter now. If it (5) ___ (stop) raining, we (6) ___ (easily be) back at the camp by sunset.
Bob: I suppose things could be worse. Do you remember the hill-walk last year? We (7) ___ (have to) turn back almost as soon as we (8) ___ (start), when Charlie Dickson (9) ___ (break) his ankle.
Alan: That’s right. And that was after we (10) ___(spend) ages preparing for the walk.
Bob: Still we were lucky that the accident happened so soon after we (11) ___ (set out). If it (12) ___ (happen) later, we (13) ___ (have to) carry Charlie for miles.
Alan: Well just at this moment, I couldn’t carry anybody. If a helicopter (14) ___ (come) over the top of that hill, I (15) ___(wave) to the pilot for a lift.
Bob: There isn’t much chance of that. Anyway, my problem is my feet. They’re killing me! I (16) ___ (put) some ointment on them if I (17) ___ (have) any. But I forgot to pack it.
Alan: Me too. But the rain’s stopped, so let’s go. Just think! When we (18) ___ (get) a good, hot meat at the camp tonight, we (19) ___ (be) glad that we came.

Дата публикования: 2014-10-25; Прочитано: 3370 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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