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Supply the correct forms of the missing verbs. Use could, ought to, might in the main clause

1) If she (be) here now, she (give) us some advice.

2) If he (fail) in his present job, he (think) about another career.

3) If you (can play) a musical instrument, you (help) with the school orchestra.

4) If they (have) the right qualifications, they (be able to) apply for better jobs.

5) If she (can have) some lessons, she (improve) her performance.

6) If we (run) our own business, we (be) more independent.

7) If John (go) to this town, he (visit) his mother.

8) If Susan (borrow) your book, she (return) it.

9) If Frank (want) advice, he (ask) his bank manager.

7. The following things might happen. What would you do if they happened to you? Write your answers.

Model: If I found a gold ring in the street, I would give it to my sister.

1) If I lived on a tropical island, ___.

2) If I forgot my best friend’s birthday, ___.

3) If I saw someone hurt in an accident, ___.

4) If I spilled orange juice on my English homework, ___.

5) If I had a million dollars, ___.

6) If I found a purse full of money in a bus, ___.

7) If all the lights suddenly went out, ___.

8) If I met a famous pop star, ___.

9) If I lost my house key, ___.

10) If the television broke down in the middle of my favourite programme, ___.

11) If I lived in the USA, ___.

12) If I were a President of, ___.

13) If I could travel anywhere in the world, ___.

14) If today were the last day of my life, ___.

15) If I were an English teacher, ___.

16) If I were an excellent partner, ___.

17) If I could have any job I wanted, ___.

Put the verb into the correct form.

Дата публикования: 2014-10-25; Прочитано: 2207 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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