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Match the sentences

a) The computer just crashed. 1) They must have painted it.
b) The cat's sick. 2) They must have gone away.
c) The grass is wet. 3) There must have been a power cut.
d) No one answered the phone. 4) She must have retired.
e) I haven't seen her for ages. 5) It must have eaten something.
f) The station's looking nice. 6) It must have rained.

13 Complete the sentences using must, mustn't, or needn't and the correct verb.

come kill read wake up wear run sunbathe hire give look

a) People _____ elephants or there won't be any left when we are older.

b) Teachers _____ uniforms, but their clothes must be neat and clean.

c) You _____ magazines in a bookshop. You must buy them first.

d) Don't worry. You _____ a car. I'll drive you.

e) You ______ too long! Too much sun is bad for you.

f) If you don't like the singer, you_____. I'll go alone!

g) Hey! You _____ in the school corridor.

h) If you want to see the sunrise, you _____ early.

i) You _____ me the money now. You can pay me later.

j) You _____ before you cross the road.

Дата публикования: 2014-10-25; Прочитано: 603 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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