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Study the following chart on modal verbs

Can 1) мочь, уметь (физическая или умственная способность что-то делать) 2) можно? (разрешение) I can speak two languages.   Can I have a pen?
May 1) можно? (разрешение) 2) возможно (вероятность) You may go there. It mayrain today.
Must 1) должен (приказ) 2) должно быть, скорее всего You must finish your work. He mustbe at home now.
Mustn’t нельзя (запрет) You mustn’t drive when you’re drunk.
Needn’t нет необходимости, нужды You needn’t work so hard.
Should следует (совет) I should go to the dentist.
Ought to следует (строгий совет) Policemen ought to be very observant.
Be to должен (по расписанию, графику) The train was to arrive at 5 p.m.
Have to должен, вынужден (обстоятельствами) My car is broken; I have to take a bus.

9 Translate the following sentences to Russian.

a) My mother can cook really well.

b) You may not turn on TV now.

c) People must obey laws.

d) Ann should take care of her health.

e) We are to have two meetings today.

f) Whether you want or not you have to leave.

g) The movie must be excellent; it is still shown in cinemas.

h) I cannot read Portuguese, but I understand some words.

i) You mustn’t cross the street on red light.

j) Must I do it right now? – No, you needn’t.

Дата публикования: 2014-10-25; Прочитано: 409 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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