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Answer the questions. c) What are the pluses and minuses of going by car?

a) Do you like traveling?

b) Do you like to travel by car?

c) What are the pluses and minuses of going by car?

d) Have you ever traveled by plane? If yes, how did you find it?

e) What is bad in going by train?

f) Would you like to go on a sea cruise? Why?

g) If you could choose, where would you go?

Act out the dialogues from exercise 1 in class.

In groups of four make a research to find out the missing names.

Country Capital
Australia Canberra
_____ Brussels
Brazil Brasilia
Bulgaria _____
Canada Ottawa
_____ Peking
Cyprus Nicosia
_____ Prague
Denmark Copenhagen
Egypt _____
_____ Tallinn
Finland _____
France Paris
_____ Berlin
Greece Athens
Hungary _____
Iceland Reykjavik
India New Deli
_____ Dublin
_____ Rome
Japan _____
New Zealand Wellington
Poland _____
Romania _____
_____ Moscow
Spain _____
_____ Stockholm
_____ Bern
Thailand Bangkok
The Netherlands _____
The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (The UK) _____
The United States of America (the USA, The US) Washington D.C.
_____ Ankara
_____ Kiev
Vietnam Hanoi

Sort the countries by the continents.

America Asia Australia Europe
The USA India Australia Bulgaria

Дата публикования: 2014-10-25; Прочитано: 442 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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