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Match the sentences or parts of the sentences

1)It must be a good restaurant; a)I was thinking about you all day.
2)It can’t be raining. b)They must have made a mistake.
3)His phone's been busy all night. c)He should be home by now.
4)This restaurant can't be that expensive. d)It’s summer time.
5)Their plane may be delayed. e)She must not have checked her messages yet.
6)That couldn't be the real price. f)the lines are really long.
7)His jacket's here, g)He must be talking to his girlfriend.
8)You should have called, h)Just look at the people going in.
9)She hasn't called me back. i)so he must be here too.
10)Let's just go over to his house. j)It's snowing like crazy in New York.

11 Complete the sentences using must, mustn't, or needn't.

a) You _____ play loud music. The child is sleeping.

b) You _____ pay with cash. They accept credit cards.

c) You _____ dry clean it. It can’t be washed.

d) You _____ find your own table. You may sit wherever you want.

e) You _____ drive fast. We have plenty of time.

f) You _____ tie up your dog. It’s a public place.

g) You _____ pay after 5 p.m. when they have no office hours.

h) You _____ watch out for pickpockets. They have good security system.

i) You _____ ring the bell. It is prohibited.

j) You _____ cross here. Look at the banning sign.

Дата публикования: 2014-10-25; Прочитано: 559 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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