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Question on the topic

1. When was the Bashkir State Agrarian University founded?

2. How many departments are there at the university?

3. What department do you study?

4. How many buildings are there at the university?

5. What sport facilities are there at the university?

6. How long do the studies last?

7. What is the oldest university in Great Britain?

8. Did you work during your summer holidays?

9. Do you think it is good to earn money yourself?

10. What skills are necessary for your future work?

11. Do you have your resume?

12. Do you think it is good?

13. Why do you think many young people prefer to study abroad?

14. Would you like to study in some other country?

15. Could you live and study abroad if you are alone there?

16. What is the main thing if you want to study abroad?

17. Do you think you could get a scholarship from any university?

18. What are the main disadvantages in studying abroad?

19. What countries can students of our university go to?

20. Do you like traveling as a tourist?

21. What countries have you been to?

22. If you have a choice, what would you prefer: Asia or Europe? Why?

23. Do you prefer to travel by train or by plane?

24. Why do many people like to travel by car?

25. What is the capital of Great Britain?

26. What country is Cairo the capital?

27. Do you prefer active rest or lying on the beach sunbathing?

28. Can a woman without her husband, her father or her brother travel in Saudi Arabia?

29. What do you think is very important while you are traveling?

30. What country do you want to visit most?

Дата публикования: 2014-10-25; Прочитано: 335 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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