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Exercise 2. Read text B Firefighting tactics

In dealing with any situation, the incident commander must look at all the problems and prioritize the order in which these problems should be solved. After defining the strategy the incident commander should select the tactics which establishes “how” and “where” the fire will be attacked. For example, if the strategy is to ventilate, then the tactics will consist of who is going to perform the task, whether it will be cross or roof ventilation, and what tools will be used to accomplish it.

Imagine, a fire has been reported on the first floor of a two storey. Single-family house, and is spreading very quickly. A victim is reported on the second floor. The main problems in this case are:

1) rescuing a possible victim;

2) fire on the first floor;

3) spread of heat, smoke, and fire to the second floor;

4) additional damage to the structure.

The strategy for this scenario will be rescue, confinement/extinguishment, and ventilation.

The tactics used to accomplish the strategy includes:

1) confinement of the fire to the room of origin;

2) protection of the stairway for rescuers and possible removal of victims;

3) conduction of the primary search starting with sleeping areas;

4) performance of horizontal ventilation;

5) check for the spreading of the fire to the second floor.

Дата публикования: 2014-10-25; Прочитано: 789 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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