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Exercise 3. Study the case given in text B and complete the table finding tactical solution for each strategic task

Strategy Tactics

Exercise 4. Say if it’s true or false. Correct the false sentences.

1) Selecting strategy and tactics, safety must be taken into account.

2) Primary search should be started with sleeping areas.

3) Ventilating a structure for property conservation allows firefighters to salvage unburned property.

4) Confinement is limiting the spread of fire to the room of origin.

5) Protection of stairway supports such activities as rescue and removal of victims.

6) During search operations victims are usually found in bedrooms and behind doors.

Exercise 5. Write a summary of texts A and B completing the following statements with appropriate versions given below.

1) The definition of strategy and selection of tactics is done by the… 2) The incident commander has to... firefighting tactics. 3) Strategy establishes.... 4) The strategic priorities are.... 5) The order of these priorities depends on... 6) Tactics establishes... and solves the questions of who is going to accomplish the strategy and... a) rescue, exposure, confinement, extinguishment, overhauling, ventilation, salvage b) what tools should be used c) incident commander d) “what” should be done e) the situation f) prioritize g) “how” and “where” the fire will be attacked

Дата публикования: 2014-10-25; Прочитано: 670 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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