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Exercise 3. Read and translate text C Hose Line Operations

Firefighters put out most fires by hosing water on the burning material. An effectively placed and operated hose line saves lives by quickly extinguishing the fire. When people are trapped in a burning building, the first hose line should be placed so the hose stream can be directed between them and the fire. When no one is exposed to danger from the fire, the hose line should be put at a point that protects the property that is most severely exposed. If a second hose line is needed, the rules for proper hose placement dictate the second hose line be used to back up or supplement the first line. If the second hose line is not needed as a backup, it should be brought to the adjoining apartment or to the floor above the fire, whichever is in more danger. A third hose line could be used to protect the secondary means of egress, persons trapped at a window on the floors above the fire, or to stop the fire from extending to an adjoining building.

At a recruit training course, firefighters are taught about hose line operations. They are told that:

1. A stream that has broken into a coarse spray can be effective on small fires, but would be relatively useless on a major fire.

2. Strong winds deflect the hose stream and reduce its effective reach.

3. Damaged nozzles cause the stream to break up.

4. A 45-degree angle of attack would seem to be ideal, however, 32 degrees turns out to be best.

5. When a stream is operated close to a building, penetration on upper floors is poor.

6. From the ground, hand line stream water can be thrown approximately to the seventh floor window, but the third floor is the highest it can throw water effectively.

7. To throw water into upper floors, the nozzle must be moved away from the building and raised to a greater angle.

Дата публикования: 2014-10-25; Прочитано: 533 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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