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Presumption of Guilt

COUNCIL OF EUROPE. EUROPEAN COURT OF HUMAN RIGHTS. Information note # 95 on the case-law of the Court, March 2007, Pages 17-18.


(a)Study the text below, making sure you fully comprehend it:

In May 1998 the applicant was convicted of numerous counts of theft, burglary and attempted burglary, deliberately handling stolen goods, and membership of a criminal gang and sentenced to five years’ imprisonment. The judgment was later quashed on appeal and the applicant acquitted of all the charges against him except for the theft of a lorry and trailer and handling. He was sentenced to 36 months’ imprisonment, part of which was suspended. However, despite having already acquitted the applicant of most of the charges, in March 2001 the Court of Appeal issued a confiscation order – amounting to roughly the equivalent of EUR 67,000 or 490 days’ detention in defaultin respect of all the offences of which he had originally been convicted. It justified its decision by saying that there were strong indications that he had committed the offences. An appeal by the applicant to the Supreme Court was ultimately rejected. In 2004, he reached an agreement with the authorities allowing him to pay EUR 10,000 immediately and the remainder in monthly installments.


count - пункт обвинительного акта или искового заявления

detention - задержание, арест; содержание под арестом,

default – неявка в суд

to justify - оправдывать; находить оправдание; извинять; объяснять

handling - перемещение; транспортировка

to quash - аннулировать, отменять

to acquit - оправдывать (of)

to suspend - приостанавливать; откладывать; (временно) прекращать

installment - частичный взнос; часть

(b) Read the text again and copy the sentences that mean the following:

1) В мае 1998 года заявитель был приговорён к тюремному заключению сроком на пять лет за многократные кражи, кражи со взломом, попытки краж со взломом, осознанную транспортировку украденного, участие в преступных группировках. 2) Решение суда было впоследствии аннулировано в результате апелляции, подсудимый оправдан по всем пунктам предъявленных ему обвинений, за исключением обвинения в хищении грузовика и трейлера и их использовании в качестве транспортного средства для различных перевозок. 3) Однако, в марте 2001 года апелляционный суд выдал ордер на конфискацию на сумму, по грубым подсчётам, равную примерно EUR 67 000 или 490 дней содержания в тюрьме после отбывания срока заключения в отношении всех преступлений, за которые он был первоначально осуждён.

(c) Give Russian equivalents to the following sentences:

1) He was sentenced to 36 months’ imprisonment, part of which was suspended. 2) The Court justified its decision by saying that there were strong indications that he had committed the offences. 3) An appeal by the applicant to the Supreme Court was ultimately rejected. 4) In 2004, he reached an agreement with the authorities allowing him to pay EUR 10,000 immediately and the remainder in monthly installments.

(d) Match the English expressions with their Russian equivalents in the table:

1) presumption of innocence 2) confiscation order 3) reach an agreement with 4) in detention 5) confiscation proceedings   a) в заключении b) договориться с кем-л. о чем-л. c) работа, деятельность по конфискации чего-л. d) презумпция невиновности e) ордер, разрешение на конфискацию, отчуждение

Answer the questions and make a brief summary of the text:

1) What kind of events are described in this text?

2) What do you think the law says about it?

Дата публикования: 2014-10-25; Прочитано: 808 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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