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(a)Study the text below, making sure you fully comprehend it:
The applicant, who had been employed as a doctor by the Istanbul security police for 15 years, was arrested by police officers in the car-park outside his workplace. He was handcuffed in public and subsequently exposed in handcuffs in front of his family and neighbours when searches were carried out at his home and place of work. He was then held at police custody at his workplace, where staff could see him handcuffed, but was not informed of the charges against him. Two days after his release a psychiatrist diagnosed him as suffering from traumatic shock and certified him unfit for work for 20 days. His sick leave was extended several times on account of acute depression. The applicant had filed a complaint and was informed that he had been interrogated in connection with a criminal investigation because of his relations with suspects. He was suspended from his duties until the close of the criminal investigation. The prosecuting authorities discontinued the case against the applicant. He was reinstated in his post but was unable to work on account of aggravated psychosomatic symptoms. He was retired early on health grounds and has been treated several times in a hospital neuropsychiatry department.
prosecuting authorities - прокуратура
to discontinue – прекращать дело, приостанавливать процесс судопроизводства (по какому-л. делу)
to reinstate - восстанавливать (в прежнем положении, в правах; in, to)
to aggravate - отягчать, усугублять; ухудшать; обострять, углублять, усиливать
on health grounds - по причине плохого здоровья, (основание, мотив)
disorder - нарушение, расстройство (какой-л. функции организма)
unfit for work – нетрудоспособный
sick leave – oтпуск/освобождение от работы/ по болезни; больничный лист
acute depression - острое угнетенное состояние, уныние; упадок сил; депрессия
(b) Read the text again and copy the sentences that meaеn the following:
1) Ему несколько раз продлевали больничный лист по причине острой депрессии. 2) Заявитель направил жалобу и ему сообщили, что его допрашивали в связи с уголовным расследованием, поскольку он имел отношение к подозреваемым. 3) Его отстранили от исполнения служебных обязанностей до завершения уголовного расследования. 4) Прокуратура прекратила дело против заявителя. 5) Он был восстановлен в должности, но не смог работать по причине обострения психосоматических симптомов. 6) Он рано ушёл на пенсию в связи с ухудшением здоровья и несколько раз лечился в невропсихиатрическом отделении больницы.
(c) Give Russian equivalents to the following sentences:
The applicant, who had been employed as a doctor by the Istanbul security police for 15 years, was arrested by police officers in the car-park outside his workplace. He was handcuffed in public and subsequently exposed in handcuffs in front of his family and neighbours when searches were carried out at his home and place of work. He was then held at police custody at his workplace, where staff could see him handcuffed, but was not informed of the charges against him. Two days after his release a psychiatrist diagnosed him as suffering from traumatic shock and certified him unfit for work for 20 days.
(d) Match the English expressions with their Russian equivalents in the table:
1) prosecuting authorities 2) to discontinue 3) to reinstate 4) security police 5) search | a) обыск b) восстанавливать (в прежнем положении, в правах) c) прекращать дело, приостанавливать процесс судопроизводства d) прокуратура e) служба безопасности |
Answer the questions and make a brief summary of the text:
1) What happened in the text you have read in case V?
2) What was the applicant’s post?
3) What happened with the applicant?
4) What did the police officers do?
5) What do you think about the actions of the police?
6) What do you think the law says about the situation?
Дата публикования: 2014-10-25; Прочитано: 815 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!